Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My Little Pony: The World of Opposites(Chpt: 1)

(Please note: Pinkie Pie, Maud Pie, and Applejack are all alicorns)

~~~~~Chapter 1: Apple Filly~~~~~

Once upon a time in a land where you can only get to with a magical portal near a abandoned high school was a princess called Pinkamena Pie, and she was the crude and horrid queen of Equestria. Everyone feared her and was forced to flee from the land. So her sister, Maud Pie, seeing this destruction, used the Elements of Harmony and used them to send her to Earth. (Oh no, not too good for us D:) As thousands of years passed Maud ruled the land and took care of the ponies. One day, she was outside the palace and there was a little alicorn filly was falling through the sky! Maud flew up into the sky as lightning and caught the filly before she touched the ground. She brought the filly to the ground and thought, "I never saw another alicorn filly for thousands of years. How is this one an alicorn?" She told the royal guards to bring her in as she went to Starlight the Magical. (Twilight Sparkle) she went into Starlight's home and looked for her everywhere but could not find her. as she left the room a royal guard crash into the wall of the house next to her. (Flying mishap) The royal guard stood up and said, "Your highness! The filly is having a magic surge!" Maud rushed to the palace at lightning speed to find the filly turning all the guards into the size of her hoof! "That truly is one magic surge not to be messed with!" she said, "Looks like I will have to take this problem into my own hooves!" She rose into the sky and soared towards the filly, "I will have to reverse the magic she is using on her," she said, "a shrinking spell!" The beam of power shot towards the filly and shot her square in the chest, luckily she did not feel anything. The filly shrank rapidly until she was the size of a quarter! Maud bent down and looked at the filly, "Hello little filly" She said. "Yipes!" The little filly had a small and squeaky voice so it was hard to hear her. In the distance a pony was galloping towards her. " Starlight!" She said, "This filly had a magic surge. I had to use my magic to shrink her." Starlgiht replied, "It will take months before she gets back to normal size, maybe even years!" "Is there anything you can do Starlight?" " I am afraid not, but you might try the zebras." "Oh no i can't they just are mean to help us, i will just teach the filly to control her powers so she does not blow up all of Questria!" "Hm, Understood I will work on turning your guards back to normal while you are doing that." Maud bent down and looked at the filly "Little filly, do you have any family?" "N-no, I don't think so." "I think you are a Apple Family pony." She said looking at the little red apples on her flank. "Should I take you there?" "S-sure. I think," "I will just use a simple teleportaion spell to get us there." Once they got there, Maud walked up to the mansion of a home. "Hello! Anypony here?" A pony replied, "Yes come inside the home!" They walked into the house and saw tones of papers everywhere of missing posters of a orange filly. "Hello?" Maud said, "Go into the room next to the entrance!" she went into the room to see a red colt and a old light green pony. "Are you looking for a filly?" Maud asked "Yes she has been missing for a bit now." She said with a frown on her face and her eyes tearing up quickly. "I think I might have found her." Said Maud "REALLY?! Where is she!" right here she said picking her up with her magic and putting her on the table to show her to them. "THAT is her?" "Yes, I had to use a shrinking spell to get rid of the magic surge." "but when has she been an alicorn? All her life she has been an earth pony!" "Hmm, I will look into that but first, let me take care of her and teach her to control her magic." The filly's eyes lit up and she started jumping everywhere on the table. "Yesyesyesyesyesyes! YES!" Maud grabbed her with her magic before she fell off the table on the last yes. "Is it ok?" "I guess BUT," "But what?" "If you even hurt her at all, I will take all charges in the law against you!" She said it with a glare in her eyes and a look that said she was serious. "Your highness." she said doing a deep bow while the red colt looked shocked. "Ok I will take good care of her."


  1. So, how are you going to edit the fanfic (I mean Chapter 2) if you can barely get on every day? (no offense)
